Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Final Project: Situation/SWOT Analysis

 "SWOT can help you handle both ordinary and unusual situations in your community health or development initiative, by giving you a tool to explore both internal and external factors that may influence your work." -

Strengths- One of the strengths of Beauty and the Bully the team the organization has to go from school to school and speak. The team of speakers are not only great public speakers and do well in front of audiences, but they have also had experiences from bullying. Most of the members have either been bullies, been victims, or lost someone to bullying. Another strength of the organization is the well thought out and inpiring speeches performed at the schools. The way the topics are presented are in a way that kids will pay attention and listen and realize that bullying and being mean isn't cool.

Weaknesses- The organization does encounter a few weaknesses. The main weakness is the fact that this is non-profit organization. It is hard to get funding in order to travel, and to also make the braceletes that are handed out to students. Another weakness is not all schools are willing to sacrafice the time for the team members to come speak at the schools.

Opportunities- With enough money and connections behind Beauty and the Bully, the team will be able to travel the nation speaking and reaching out to schools. We will have the opportunity to talk with students effected by bullying and hopefully make a difference.

Threats- Although it is a good thing that there are other campaigns helping with bullying, they also become a threat to my project. There is are campaigns such as "Proud Mouth" and "StopBullying.Gov"who already reach out to people about bullying.

"The marketer should conduct a SWOT analysis, by which it evaluates the company’s overall strengths (S), weaknesses (W), opportunities (O), and threats (T)" - marketing pg 32

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